The Story


In the summer of ‘94, at the Robert College summer camp in Istanbul, Eren and Selim said their first ‘hello!’ to one another. Eren was rocking a rat-tail while Selim was decked out in his matching set of LC Waikiki t-shirt and tights, which proves that the early 90’s were certainly not so kind to either of them!

They were assigned to the same camp group, called ‘The Yellow Group’, where they hit it off immediately. Together they climbed high trees, cycled down hills together at dangerous speeds, performed plays where they enacted classic Turkish films calling each other ‘Jjjjuneyt’ and ‘Jjjjjale’ and basically pulled every string to be on the same team, whatever the subject may have been. One day, they entered a race in which they had to tie their feet together and run as fast as they could. They won the race, cheered like glorious champions and for no particular reason decided to keep their feet tied together for the rest of the day. They were 11 years old, silly and best buddies. 

They would rarely run into each other once that summer was over. When they did, they would exchange a few quick words with great excitement, after which they would continue on their own ways with the hope of running into each other again. These pleasant encounters came to an end when Selim left for high-school in the States, and they didn't see each other for many years.

In 2001, it was the first week of college and Eren was sitting outside her freshman dormitory when a car pulled up in front of her. Selim poked his head out from the back window in bewilderment to shout her name 'Eren?!?' Unbeknownst to them both, they were living only a campus away: Eren was enrolled at Brown and Selim at RISD. So began the second chapter of their story. They were older (probably not wiser), but the fundamentals of their inner child had not changed; they were still silly, again best buddies and probably if you had tied their feet together, they would have kept them tied for another whole day.

In late 2007, Eren, Selim and a Tall Dark Stranger decided to move to London and became flatmates. Soon after, Eren and Selim's friendship took a surprising turn! (Apparently not so surprising to many of their friends!!!) So began the third chapter of their story. After five years of dating, on May 15th 2013 Selim popped the question in front of their first London flat, where they had started calling each other girlfriend and boyfriend for the first time...  then at the beginning of summer 2014, Eren and Selim finally moved to Istanbul. They prepared their new home and got ready for the BIG day!

On August 9th 2014, in front of all the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious people they know in the world (and with the help of their friend Alek, the officiant) they said 'YESSSSSSSSS!!!'. If you'd ask them, they'd say it was their PERFECT yellow wedding and that they would do it all over again! Eren and Selim’s is a story of friendship and love and they cannot be grateful enough to you for sharing their excitement and happiness of tying the knot, once and for all!

You are now a part of their story and you will forever be in their happiest memories...